Wearable Planter

Jewelry and Accessories for Green Thumbs

succulent planter

DIY Friday: 3D Print Some Succulent Planters

DIY, Just for Funcolleen jordanComment

If you're looking for an activity or DIY project  to make over the long weekend, we've been working on some small desk planters that you can 3D print at home! The planters measure 3" wide and deep by 3" tall, and they're perfect for holding small plants on your windowsill, or also useful as small desk organizers. Print out a few, and you can have a small botanical garden on your desk!

You can find the files for free to download on Thingiverse. If you don't have access to a 3D printer, you may be able to access one at your local library, find a local printer at 3Dhubs.com, or use a printing service such as Shapeways.com.